REVIEW: Art Brut – “Wham! Bang! Pow! Let’s Rock Out”

Art Brut photo by Pedro Hernandez

Art Brut burst on to the mid-noughties indie scene back in 2005 with their album “Bang Bang Rock & Roll”. The debut was featured on many top-of-the-year lists, you couldn’t go to an indie disco without hearing single “Formed A Band” and their tracks were featured everywhere from Hollyoaks to SkinsThey a further three albums after but these were less well received then their debut and, then, that was it.

Or so we thought. The band announced their return earlier this year and shared their first song in 7 years, the title track of the new album – “Wham! Bang! Pow! Let’s Rock Out”. Although the song sounds like nothing had changed, the last 7 years have been eventful for both Art Brut and frontman Eddie Argos. First of all, the band’s lineup had a shake-up, with Jasper Future and Mikey Breye departing the band, with Toby Macfarlaine and Charlie Layton replacing them to stand alongside founding members Eddie Argos, Ian Catskilkin and Freddy Feedback.

On top of this, Argos‘ own personal life saw some dramatic events including a break-up, the birth of his first son, a move to Berlin and a prolonged stay in hospital after a bout of Peritonitis. These events are the core of “Wham! Bang! Pow! Let’s Rock Out”.

If you were worried that the band may have changed and the sombre events that proceeded the album may reflect in the albums tone, those concerns are immediately put to bed with the opening track “Hooray!”. It’s a joyous, upbeat start to the album, with a brass section helping to kick off the track before we’re greeted with Argos’ familiar spoken word vocal delivery. Throughout the song there’s a real sense of optimism that despite how bad things get, it’s all going to be alright in the end. It’s a strong start to the album and works both personally for Argos’ and the band as a whole as he proclaims “I was born again in a pure white light…Hooray!”.

“I Hope You’re Very Happy Together!” continues this hopeful outlook on thing, despite being a break-up song Argos’ sings that it’s “hopefully this will be the last break up song I ever need”. With the opening duo of tracks, the fuller, more crisp production with Jim Moray taking production duties.

The seven years away hasn’t lessened Argos’ wit and unique look at society, with “Good Morning Berlin” painting a picture of Argos’ walking around Berlin, complete with “Hipster’s with beards” who “ wander these streets like herds of cattle” and “Awkward Breakfast”, a witty, a realistic depiction of the morning after the one night stand where he proclaims “I don’t need this heartache// I just want some cornflakes// Last night you were being rude with me // Now we’re eating bowls of museli”

Originally planned as a break-up album, it’s clear that Argos’ outlook on love changed through the course of making the album as “She Kissed Me (And It Felt Like a Hit)” explores the joys of a brand new relationship but with “Top Of The Pops” references thrown in for good measure.

“Hospital” is another poppy number, with Argos reflecting on his stay in hospital and the changes he’s going to make once he’s out.

Elsewhere on the album “Kultfigur” mirrors “Formed A Band” as Argos’ sings “We’ve got a lead singer // Doesn’t really sing”. One of the main attractions about the band is their self-awareness, and whilst the song makes us think back to their peak it also sets a statement for the future of the band “the first band on every mixtape// You knew the name// Now you know we’re great”.  This album isn’t just a cash in, but it feels fresh and like a true reboot for the band. Whilst not quite surpassing the debut album, it’s full of clever witty lyrics and wry comedy all underpinned by a a strong, energetic post-punk sound.

“Wham! Bang! Pow! Let’s Rock Out” is out November 23rd on Alcopop! Records

You can catch the band touring the new album in 2019 at the following dates:

17.01.19 – The Garage, London
15.02.19 – Hare & Hounds, Birmingham
16.02.19 – The Exchange, Bristol
17.02.19 – The Globe, Cardiff
18.02.19 – The Bullingdon, Oxford
19.02.19 – Phase One, Liverpool
20.02.19 – Sneaky Pete’s, Edinburgh
21.02.19 – Stereo, Glasgow
22.02.19 – Yes, Manchester
23.02.19 – The Haunt, Brighton
02.03.19 – The Joiners, Southampton
03.03.19 – Boileroom, Guildford

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